The aim of RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education) is to provide pupils with age-appropriate information, to explore attitudes and values and develop skills to empower them to make positive decisions about themselves. This will help pupils respect themselves and others and allow them to move with confidence from childhood through adolescence into adulthood by putting in place the building blocks needed for positive and safe relationships of all kinds, starting with family and friends, and moving out to other kinds of relationships, including online.
Encompassed in RSHE is learning about money, how to be safe at home and in our familiar environments, British values, how to stay healthy and all about people that help us. All sessions are designed to help children become critical thinkers about the world around them. We encourage all children to ask questions and these discussions may naturally continue at home.
Extra links and information
Sometimes, as parents, the questions or choices our young people make can catch us off guard. We cannot know all the answers, there are lots of places to source information to help everybody feel well informed. You may find the websites and books detailed below useful and you may want to signpost your young person to them also.
Useful books
Celebrate Your Body (and Its Changes, Too!): The Ultimate Puberty Book for Girls by Sonya Renee Taylor
The Girls’ Guide to Growing Up by Anita Naik and Sarah Horne
How to Grow Up and Feel Amazing!: The No-Worries Guide for Boys by Dr Ranj Singh
The Boys’ Guide to Growing Up by Phil Wilkinson and Sarah Horne
Be Resilient: How to Build a Strong Teenage Mind for Tough Times by Nicola Morgan
The Teenage Guide to Stress by Nicola Morgan