Pre-Prep (Years One and Two)
A Journey through The Elms - Pre-Prep
Pre-Prep offers a gradual transition from the child centred learning of the Early Years Montessori classroom to a more traditional teacher led approach, whilst continuing to provide a learning environment and teaching styles that allow for open ended and independent learning. Our aim in the Pre-Prep is to continue to nurture the child’s character and individual learning styles, motivating them to try new tasks and experiences with confidence. We build on the strengths identified in the Early Years and continue to develop interests and emerging skills.
Building on from Early Years, Pre-Prep are taught by an increasing number of specialist teachers from the Main School. Music, French, Drama, Forest School and Sport teachers take the children for weekly lessons, and they continue to make full use the superb School facilities for these lessons.
Pre-Prep, and particularly Year Two, prepares the children for increasing independence and aims to develop confidence and readiness for the transition from Year Two to Year Three, where the children will leave the department and be based within the main part of the school. Children are prepared for the transition from Year Two to Three by working closely together on shared experiences and developing and maintaining links and familiarity, particularly during the Summer and Autumn Terms.
With the needs of families taken into close consideration, we offer after school clubs and an extended day, with activities provided by the Pre-Prep and Early Years staff. This thread of continuity is an important aspect of our ethos. Bearing in mind that many Early Years and Pre-Prep children have older siblings already in the Main School, this wrap around care allows families to tailor their day and coordinate collection times: both helping families and helping to accustom our younger children to the longer Main School day.
As with their transition out of Early Years, the pre-prep children experience a gentle progression into the main school.