Cheltenham Performing Arts Festival 2023
We are celebrating the success of many of our pupils at the Cheltenham Festival of Performing Arts.
23 Elms pupils from Year 3 to Year 8 competed in 62 classes at a really prestigious, nationally renowned event, and bringing home 3 trophies, 7 gold medals, 8 silver medals, 7 bronze, 11 honours and 26 distinctions.
A huge congratulations to everyone involved. We are very proud of them all.
Jemima C & Isla K Duologue Year 7 & 8
Yilin C Verse Speaking Year 3 Champion
Cara M Junior Mime
Yilin C Verse Speaking Year 3
Frida E-B Short Film Year 3 and under
Dylan H Short Film Year 7 – 9
Dylan H Solo Devised Scene
Dylan H & Noah C Duo Devised Scene
Isla M Verse Speaking Year 4
Cara M & Florentine T Duo Devised Scene
Martha C, Felicity E, Isla M & Eleanor W Share a Poem Year 3 & 4
Martha C Verse Speaking Year 4
Yilin C Sight Reading Year 4 and under
Dylan H Improvisation
Felicity E & Isla M Duologue Year 4 and under
Felicity E Sight Reading Year 4 and under
Beatrix M-J Verse to Music
Cara M Solo Acting Year 5 & 6
Percy B & Freddie S Junior Duo Mime
Jemima C Solo Acting Years 7 & 8
Jemima C, Annabel F & Francesca E Intermediate Dramatic Scene
Jessie C & Eira E-B Short Film Years 4 – 6
Felicity E Verse Speaking Year 4
Frida E-B Verse Speaking Year 3
Amelia H & Beatrix M-J Duologue Years 5 & 6
Yilin C Sight Reading Year 4 and under
Yilin C Solo Acting Year 4 and under
Felicity E Sight Reading Year 4 and under
Felicity E Solo Acting Year 4 and under
Amelia H Solo Acting Year 5 & 6
Amelia H Verse Speaking Year 6
Isla K Solo Acting Years 7 & 8
Isla K Intermediate Shakespeare
Beatrix M-J Prose Reading Year 5 & 6
Beatrix M-J Verse Speaking Year 6
Cara M Verse Speaking Year 6
Percy B Verse Speaking Year 4
Noah C Verse Speaking Year 7
Martha C & Eleanor W Duologue Year 4 and under
Martha C & Felicity E Duo Mime Year 6 and under
Felicity E & Isla M Duo Mime Year 6 and under
Yilin C & Frida E-B Duologue Year 4 and under
Jessie C Solo Mime Year 6 and under
Jessie C & Eira E-B Duologue Year 5 & 6
Jessie C & Eira E-B Duo Mime Year 6 and under
Izabella DC Junior Shakespeare
Felicity E Solo Mime Year 6 and under
Eira E-B Solo Mime Year 6 and under
Dylan H Verse Speaking Year 7
Dylan H Bible Reading
Dylan H Public Speaking Intermediate
Amelia H Junior Shakespeare
Harry I Sight Reading Years 7 & 8
Harry I Solo Acting Years 7 & 8
Harry I Intermediate Shakespeare
Oscar L & Leo T Share a Poem Year 4 and under
Isla M Solo Mime Year 6 and under
Cara M & Florentine T Duologue Years 5 & 6
Cara M & Florentine T Duo Mime Year 6 and under
Freddie S Verse Speaking Year 4
Bronte T Short Film Year 3 and under
Eleanor W Verse Speaking Year 4