Mindset Talks
Join us for a truly uplifting talk on African Adventures of Faith under Fire by Simon Guillebaud MBE
on 7pm on Thursday, November 23, 2023, at The Ashby Theatre, The Elms School, Walwyn Road, Colwall, Malvern, WR13 6EF
Simon Guillebaud MBE is the founder and International Director of Great Lakes Outreach (GLO), a Christian charity working in war-torn Central Africa.
During 20 years working and living in Burundi, with his wife and three children, Simon has endured death threats, spoken out against corruption, and survived many dangerous circumstances. His passion is stirring up and challenging people, young and old, to live out their dreams, take risks, and make their lives count. Come and listen to his remarkable stories of hope in the midst of despair. FREE ENTRY.
For more information please contact The Elms School
For tickets please click here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/african-adventures-of-faith-under-fire-tickets-708383121987?aff=erelpanelorg